KIT109 - Games Fundamentals AT1 - Simple Game Creation (Pong)
Left player - W up, S down
Right player - up arrow, down arrow
Speed Limiting - Using default Unity physics allows the player to punt the ball at higher than expected speeds by hitting the ball with the side of the paddle. This could be kept as a gameplay feature but in this case the ball is kept at an expected speed relative to how many times it has hit a paddle. The downside to this is that if a player hits the ball around the edge of the paddle, it can sometimes send the ball in an almost vertical motion, which can stall the game for extended time periods as it bounces up and down along the entire hallway. An easy fix for this would be to detect if this has occurred and readjust the direction to be more horizontal.
Live Title Screen - The ball on the title screen will bounce for, as far as I know, an indefinite amount of time. I don't recommend listening to it for very long as the sound it makes can be quite loud. The title screen, game, and game over screens use only one scene and transitions between them without issue.
Round Square - In order to stay close to the graphics of the original, I have made the ball visually a square. However, the actual collider for the ball is a circle, in order to preserve some interaction with the paddle edges.
Bot Mode - Selecting 0 players enters a bot-only match in which the computer will be against itself. Due to the relatively simple AI that I have implemented however, this is pretty boring as they will always hit the ball up until the ball outruns their movement speed in which case they will miss the ball and it will start over. The Bot AI in theory could be further developed to great extents but would be outside scope of the assignment.
Known issue - The player can sometimes mash the ball into the top or bottom walls and glitch it through the wall, causing a permanent soft-lock. This could be easily fixed by either thickening the walls or setting their collisions to continuous, among other approaches. I figure it would be easier to just say that here instead of taking the time to fix it properly, time which I don't have.
Also, the background was supposed to be fully black but I just realised that I completely forgot to change it back, I had it set to that grey for visibility in editing, oops.
Pong sound effects were taken from freesound.org.
Others were taken from youtube and afaik would be considered fair use.
Image is taken from google images and is technically also like 75 years old so fight me.
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | GMunro |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Made with | Unity |
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